Back to school!!!

October 31, 2009


This year the girls all wanted to be pirates. Taysa went with her friend, Kelsey, to her ward party and then trick or treating with her. So we just had Brooklyn and Cloe. I took them trick or treating for a few hours and then we came home and handed out candy. The girls had lots of fun.

The 3 pirates.

Cloe the pirate.

Brooklyn the pirate.

Taysa the pirate.

October 21, 2009

Brooklyn's 7th birthday party!

Brooklyn had a cousin birthday party this year. She had her party at the gymnastics studio where I teach. The kids had so much fun and best of all, I didn't have to clean up a mess at my house.

Happy 7th Birthday Brooklyn!!!

Happy birthday Brooklyn! We love you so much. Brooklyn had a very happy birthday. We made her favorite dinner; steak, twice baked potatoes, lion house rolls, and corn. Grandma and grandpa came up for dinner and celebrate with us. She got everything she wanted; a Nintendo DS, her fury Hannah Montana boots, the big Webkinz kitty she always wanted and a pile of money from grandma and grandpa. Who could ask for more.

October 13, 2009

Haunted Forest

The pumpkin patch we go to had a haunted forest for kids this year. The girls had fun going through it, especially Cloe. They loved the spiders, skulls, witch's cauldrons, skeletons and tomb stones.

Pumpkin Patch

We love to go to the pumpkin patch. We go every year and have so much fun. Here are the girls picking out our pumpkins. There seem to be too many to choose from.

October 11, 2009

Boogers and the Porta Potty

The girls and I took a trip to Logan this past weekend. We went to see my best friend, Sarah, who is in town from Virginia. While we were there, I had a good family friend, Terry Barnes, take pictures of my girls up Logan canyon. {Thanks Terry for all the fun and for taking pictures.} We had lots of fun hiking on trails and finding beautiful spots to stop and take pictures. It was a little cold and windy but we had a good time. On one of our stops, Brooklyn had to go to the bathroom. There was a set of restrooms right by where we parked so I took her in. When I opened the door and she saw the little porta potty she proceeded to freak out saying, "I don't have to go anymore! You can't make me!" I finally convinced her she would be okay and that I would hold onto her and not let her fall in. We then got back into the car and started driving. All of the sudden Brooklyn says to us all, "I'd rather eat my BOOGERS than use a PORTY POTTY again!!!" We all died laughing. That is such a "Brooklyn" thing to say! I love you crazy Brookie!

October 10, 2009

Aggie Ice Cream! Our FAVORITE!!!

We were in Logan spending time with family and friends. We spent this afternoon with our good friend, Terry Barnes who is really more like family. She treated us to Fredrico's pizza (YUM YUM YUM) and then to our favorite, Aggie Ice Cream! Thanks Terry :) We love you.

#1 flavor of all time. Cloe's favorite and mine, Aggie Blue Mint.

Brooklyn and Cloe totally oblivious to anything but the ice cream.

Taysa and Terry enjoying their ice cream.