Back to school!!!

December 20, 2008


I sent out my Christmas cards this year a little late. So to those of you who haven't received yours yet and to those who I did not have an address.... Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas! We love you all and hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

December 19, 2008

Make overs

Today I had to wrap a few last minute gifts while the kids were home. I put in a movie and thought they would be okay for a little while. Well, this is what I found when I emerged from my bedroom from wrapping...........

You can't see it great, but Cloe was covered in blue eyeshadow and bright pink blush. It was caked on so thick that her hair stuck to her face. Brooklyn had done hers a little more tasteful than Cloe. It is now 5 hours later and I still can't get it all off of Cloe's face. Needless to say, that makeup kit was permanently destroyed from Cloe's over use of the product.

Snow Day!

December 14, 2008
Yesterday it snowed all day, and hard. The kids were so excited. They spent all day Saturday at a family Christmas party, so they didn't get to play in the snow. Today we woke up to even more snow. All the girls wanted to do was play outside. So after church I dressed them all up in their snow gear and out they went. They had so much fun. Well, Taysa and Brooklyn did. Cloe went outside walked around and fell in the snow and you guessed it, that was the end of that.

Here they all are, having fun, before Cloe fell.




It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

November 28, 2008
The day after Thanksgiving we always put up our Christmas decorations. We turn on the Christmas music and have lots of fun.


All the blue and white decorations are my Snow Buddies collection. My dad gave them all to me over several years for Christmas and I love them.

So here it is. All finished. Not the greatest tree, but love the fact that I got to use the ornaments from my dad.